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Fatima Gerfanova to Co-authored the Collection “Qazaqstan: Towards a Sustainable Development Model”

Fatima Gerfanova, the Director of the Center for Regional Studies co-authored the collection of analytical materials “Qazaqstan: Towards a Sustainable Development Model”, which has been presented today in Astana. Participants of the project “School of Analytics” together with members of the Club of Young Experts under the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan acted as co-authors of publications on key areas of social economic development of the country.

Maulen Ashimbayev, the Speaker of the Senate, who took part in the presentation, has noted that the state today needs comprehensive research and recommendations to solve socially significant problems. High-quality analytics is necessary first of all to ensure the validity of decisions taken, the choice of the most effective way of certain areas, he stressed.
Fatima Gerfanova, in collaboration with Ainur Amirbekova, were the authors of the study “Regional Economic Policy in the Spatial Development of Kazakhstan”, which covers three main areas:

  • Analysis of the Kazakhstan Regions Development: How Different Regions Are Developing - What are Their Specializations;

  • Economic Management in Regions: What Tools are Used by Regional Authorities;

  • Infrastructure in Regions: Analysis in the Field of Heat Power, Housing and Communal Services and Roads.
During the presentation of the collection, brief results have been summed up and the main theses of the study have been announced. In particular, the co-authors stressed that the current system of state planning requires revision.
“We consider it necessary to reformat the current state planning system into a sustainable development system, with the involvement of society, synchronization of economic, environmental and social development issues. At the regional level, it is necessary to implement strategies for the sustainable development of the country’s districts with an emphasis on innovative development. The current regional development plans do not give a clear vision of what the region will be by a certain year as an “image of the future” for the population,” Gerfanova noted.
The collection “Qazaqstan: Towards a Sustainable Development Model” contains materials on six areas of social economic development of Kazakhstan, affecting various aspects of inflationary, regional economic policy of Kazakhstan, the sphere of transit and transport potential, the role of business in solving problems of education, the implementation of youth policy, as well as the development of inclusion and employment of people with disabilities. The collection presents an analysis of the current situation, recommendations and tools that can be useful in the work of decision makers, researchers and anyone who is interested in current trends in the social economic development of Kazakhstan.